About me and this blog

Welcome to read my Sims stories! First a bit about me.

I have played Sims since Sims 2, then played Sims 3 for a short time but as my computer couldn't run it properly, I had to give it up. I had a long break due to the computer but also due to having two kids. I'm 40+, have great working place and brilliant family in a small village with cat and dog. The life is good. :) The kids are older now; 7 and 9 so I can every now and then have time for myself and I just recently got a proper computer and shortly afterwards, Sims 4. Of course the Cats and Dogs was a must have...

I played a bit around and tried to "just play" but that has never worked for me. I have always started a challenge of some kind but due to many reasons, one of them being my computer, I have never yet finished one. And usually together with the challenge I have always started writing a story. I have a problem of getting carried away with the story and I try to keep the story in "readable length" - to save my time and also your nerves. It's a Sims story, not a book.

For me the writing is what makes the game really worthwhile. Legacy challenge is my favourite and I really hope I can finish it this time, at least the computer is good enough and runs Sims 4 very nicely. I have also changed my playing and writing style. The story is more text based than picture based. I don't try to picture every moment, I definitely don't pose the Sims for anything and I let the Sims do pretty much what they want to do, just sort of guiding them gently. My play style is very relaxed, I don't push the skills, promotions or life aspirations. They are just some kind of guidelines for the story. I'm more interested about their relationships and unusual things that the game throws at me, they make a great story, not sims skilling and getting promoted, raking millions of money etc. On my opinion.

The Presley legacy is usual legacy with starting on a huge empty lot, no other specific rules than not using cheats and there is always an heir to continue the family legacy. I will randomize the traits to make different sims but I will select the aspirations that best fit for those traits. I will also fulfill the whims as much as possible and I usually wait a bit if the sims tell me what they want to do with big decisions in life. If they however don't, I will give them a gentle push (i.e. get him/her married even though there isn't any whim about it). The family doesn't have any naming scheme, at least not yet, the names are from the randomize generator.

Most of the first chapter is played only with base game, when their first cat makes an appearance I added Cats&Dogs, Seasons, Get to Work and Discovery University. I try to keep cat spam in minimum in the chapters, even though I find it quite difficult - the cat animations look like someone has been watching our cat.

Again welcome to read my story, hope you enjoy this and if so, comments are very much appreciated. :)


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